Plo Poker Rules
Pot Limit Omaha is simply known as PLO poker, Omaha Holdem, etc. Even though there are many variants in poker, Pot Limit Omaha poker is acknowledged as the second-best poker game next to Texas Hold'em Poker. In PLO, each player dealt with four hole cards and five cards are dealt on the board. Pot Limit Omaha Strategy Tips – Starting Hand Selection. In PLO poker, a showdown has very specific rules. You can use 2 and only 2 cards from you own 4 hole-cards, and 3 and only 3 cards from the 5 community cards. Reading the board comes easily with practice, though the effect on starting hand selection is more subtle. PLO Poker Guide is a site dedicated to Omaha poker. Read on for a complete beginner’s guide to PLO poker including rules, strategy, tips and more.
Pot Limit Omaha is an interesting poker game originated from , although it does have some differences to set it apart. Pot Limit Omaha is simply known as PLO poker, Omaha Holdem, etc.. Even though there are many variants in poker, Pot Limit Omaha poker is acknowledged as the second-best poker game next to Texas Hold'em Poker. In PLO, each player dealt with four hole cards and five cards are dealt on the board. In Omaha Holdem, every player uses three of the community cards with two of their hole cards to make the best five-card poker hand. Click here to check the Omaha Holdem poker hand rankings.
How To Play Pot Limit Omaha Poker?
- Learn how to play Omaha Poker (PLO). Use this beginner's guide to discover PLO rules, basic PLO strategy, and the best Omaha poker games to practice for free!
- Rules Of PLO Learn the Rules of Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) in our poker school. The omaha rules are extremely similar to Texas hold'em with one key difference - Players are dealt 4 cards instead of 2, and players must use exactly 2 of their hole-cards to make a 5-card hand.
Are you new to the great game of Pot Limit Omaha poker? Are you worried about how difficult it would be to play Pot Limit Omaha? Don't worry we have all your questions covered here. Pot Limit Omaha poker is in the favourite list of all the poker players because it is more similar to Texas Holdem. As a game, the excitement is high and it continues from the starting hand to the end.

As with any game of poker, the player must have a clear cut knowledge to understand the scenario during the gameplay. The player should be capable to judge the combination of the winning hand, should know to calculate poker odds and must have a clear idea of PLO Poker Strategy. Patience is also considered as the key to winning in Pot Limit Omaha. If you are looking for detailed guidelines in Pot Limit Omaha poker then, Great! You are at the right place. At PokerStellar we provide our players with the general rules of playing Pot-limit Omaha and we have correctly drafted everything on this page for your convenience.
Types of Omaha Poker Games
Below are some of the common types of Pot Limit Omaha poker games,
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker- It is the most popular form of Omaha Poker where each player can bet the amount that is in the pot.
- No Limit Omaha Poker- In this type of poker a player can bet any amount, including up to the entire amount of chips.
- Fixed Limit Omaha Poker- In this type of poker the bet limits are established and fixed for each round of betting.
Things to Follow to Become a Successful Pot-Limit Omaha Player
- Selective starting hand - Don’t play all the hands you get in Pot Limit Omaha. Be selective and call on the best hole card you receive. Never bet for the high card or low-value hands in PLO because the winning chances are very less.
- Patience and Discipline - Patience and discipline is the key to success. Always play with more patience and don’t get excited even you have two pairs of aces in hand. Having a pair of aces is not a big deal in Omaha.
- Limit Bluffing - Never try to bluff always, it can be a backfire in most of the occasion when you play Omaha against 4 to 5 opponents.
- Never overestimate your hands while having two pair or bottom sets. Don’t go ahead to bet when you have a small flush or low-value straight hands. Most of the occasions 2 to 3 players may have a flush or higher straight in hand. So be alert and sharp before you go for raise and check the possibilities to get a good hand like a full house, four of a kind, or royal flush.
- Never raise before the flop - Even with strong hole cards, there is a probability that yours is not the best hand in the table. It's very difficult to predict cards in pre-flop hands. So never raise before seeing pre-flop hands when you play Pot Limit Omaha online.
Maximum Raise
Maximum raise is the maximum amount a player can raise in their turn. This defines the size of the pot which consists of the total bet amount the active player is required to call before they raise, plus all bets on the table, along with the total sum of the pot.
Minimum Raise
The minimum raise a player can make in PLO is the big Blind of the table. In this turn, the raise amount should be small as much as they raise the preceding bet in the same round. For example, the second player in a round must raise a minimum of ₹10 if the first poker player to proceed bet by ₹10. Players will find there is no limit on the amount raised in the Pot Limit Omaha. The last bet in the Pot Limit Omaha is the same as the size of the big blind, but it depends on the player if he or she wants to bet as per the size of the pot.
Pot Limit Betting Structure
In Omaha Poker Rules, players will find that the maximum bet would be two times the amount to call plus the pot. The minimum bet has to be equal to the bet of the previous poker player. For example, a player bets a minimum of ₹200 if there is no prior action in the previous betting round and the size of the pot was ₹200. The player who sits clockwise from the existing player will make the next move after that bet. And that particular player can raise the amount between the minimum and the maximum, call ₹200 or can also fold. Therefore, the all-out bet in this event would be ₹800. The raiser would first call ₹200, which will bring the pot size to ₹600 by making a whole bet of ₹800 after raising ₹300 more.

Plo Poker Rules
The Basic Rules of Pot Limit Omaha (PLO)
Omaha is a poker variant in which each player is dealt four “hole” cards (cards that the other players can’t see) and then share a five card board. It is similar to Hold’em in its play, with flop, turn, and river cards dealt in succession on the board, interspersed with betting rounds. The most common betting structure for Omaha is Pot Limit, in which players can only bet the size of the pot, including their call.
The play begins with each player being dealt four cards. Unlike Hold’em, players must play exactly two cards from their hand and exactly three from the board. Hand rankings are the same in Omaha and Hold’em, with a high card being the worst and a royal flush the best possible hand.
In PLO, the play starts with a small and big blind, which rotates each turn. The first player after the big blind (Under the Gun – UTG) may fold, call the big blind, or raise up to the “pot limit.” If the blinds are $1 and $2, the UTG player can bet up to $7. Things then get a little tricky. The second player can now fold, call the $7 or bet up to $24. This betting structure takes a while to get used to. See our How to Calculate Pot Limit article for more examples. When in doubt, if you would like to bet the maximum, you can always announce that you bet “pot” and the dealer will figure out the amount for you.
Rules Of Plo Poker Rules
Note that starting hand values are quite different than in Hold’em, so you’ll want to familiarize yourself with these differences before playing Omaha. The “Advice” button in our PLO simulator can help you with this.
Hand equities run much closer together in Omaha, and thus more players will generally stay to see the flop than in Hold’em. With the ability to select the best two of a four card hand, winning hands in Omaha also tend to be quite strong. Single pairs and two pairs are rarely likely to take down the pot, and players should be drawing to nut straights and flushes if they decide to draw.

As you might imagine, Omaha pots can grow quite big, and with pre-flop hand equity advantages rarely larger than 60% variance swings in PLO can be big as well. The PLO player will need a larger bankroll than the typical No-Limit Hold’em player for that reason.